Daughter's Princess School Party
Everyone's really excited about the party. Daughter and I woke up real early today and we're in school by 930am! Unbelievable! The children had their lessons first (of course) while I was looking for the perfect cake. The one I bought was from Sansrival Store- Nelusko. I just added some flowers and a #5 candle courtesy of Rustan's Supermarket. And while waiting for the party time, hubby and I sipped our fave iced-choco drink from Starbucks.
Then by 1130am, the McDo crew arrived (school) to set-up the Disney Princess backdrop as well as prepare the balloons and lootbags. And by 12nn when all classes ended, the children are all screaming at the top of their lungs. Why? They're excited, of course.
I asked Teacher K to excuse daughter a bit earlier so that she can change her clothes. Instead of wearing a dress or a gown, I just bought her jeans, spaghetti strapped tank top and glittery bolero. Then she wore her boots and a new tiara! She really looks like a modern princess.
Then its game time and almost all the children got a prize (they should!). They're also happy because aside from the usual lootbags, I opted for McDo Happy Meal so they each got an extra toy. Then its eating time and after that Birdie the mascot entered the scene. Unlike other mascots, she's not scary looking so all the kids got to hugged her. I think she danced though I'm too busy chatting with M to noticed. Btw, M (daughter's ninang) graced us with her beautiful presence. Of all daughter's ninangs, she's the one who'll be (hubby and I predicts) close to her heart when she's big na. Why? She's kikay, of course!
I was too tired to drive home so hubby went home with us. Daughter opened so many nice gifts from her classmates and teachers. There's a cute trekking frutas havaianas, barbie dolls, big cuddly bear, bag, beadmaker and a lot. lot more.
Horror Episode
I was literally fuming mad (hubby also) with McDo because it's almost 1pm and the games are about to end and the food is not yet inside the school premises. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Quick as a flash, I told the host to distribute the lootbags to distract the attention of the hungry pack. Ooops, I mean children. The food arrived 20 minutes late, I think and one can really hear the cheers coming from the children when they saw the food cart being wheeled in. Then the adult guests had to wait for their food (again!) because there's only one crew assigned to bring the food cart to school (bad service!).
I know hubby went down to the store and I also called their number and I really shouted at them. I reminded them that the party was supposed to be at 12nn so how come its past 1pm and there's no food yet. I told the manager that their service sucks.
But alls well that ends well. After hearing the joyous shouts made by the children when they saw the food, my heart melted. Not only that, the host (since I'm also mad at her) gave me all the remaining prizes and lootbags which is really quite a lot! Hehehe