Bonding Time With Sweet Kiamoy
I was still working for Sofitel (more than a decade ago!) when I discovered this yummy kiamoy covered in crystal (sugar).
Being a kiamoy lover--- I used to chew them happily whenever I went to my mother's school. There's this old lady, Aling Lourdes who sold all kinds of pasalubong munchers. From kakanin, to cornick, to fish cracker, to kiamoy and champoy (the black hairy cousin).
I used to hoard (yes, hoard) the store's Crystal Ball (that's what they call the crystal kiamoy). My partner-in-crime, Ailyn and I were a regular fixture at that store come lunchbreak and after office ended for the day. The crystal ball was also a favorite whenever we have a Friday Night gimik.
So after a decade and a few years, while hubby and I are prowling the streets of Chinatown for something to eat, I spied crystal ball perched on top of a store's shelf. At P50/pack (it has about 10-12 pieces of the yummy kiamoy candy), I think the price doubled when I was still buying it more than a decade ago, hehehe. But who am I to complain? Prices are going up nowadays!