Sinigang na Salmon Belly. Heaven! Except that the soup tastes powdery- lol. Knorr Sinigang Mix? A bit salty, too.
Calamares. This is my all-time favorite. Alas, it doesn't quite tastes right today. Something's off. I just can't pin-point it.
Inihaw na Liempo. Great but on the dry side.
Buttered Shrimps. This used to tastes good BUT maybe the restaurant has a new cook? Instead of buttery-goodness, the sauce is laden with flour. :(
Crispy Pata. Another flop. But then, you really can't expect superb crispy pata in a seafood restaurant, right?
RANT: I've been eating at Trinity Restaurant for years now. First time was around 2006. But this is the first time that I can truly say that the quality of the food is deteriorating. I wouldn't be recommending this restaurant anymore. Also, we bought 2 kilos of shrimp for tempura but it didn't arrive on our table. It's gone missing! Luckily, it was the asst. manager who received our fresh seafood so they didn't raised hell when they replaced our order.