But aside from the food the we eat, we also need to be more particular when it comes to food preparation and the type of cookware that we use. Its been reported that the teflon-coated pans that most of us have been using for ages now have been declared unsafe because of its synthetic polymer coating and claypots are known to contain lead. That leaves us with little options, right?
But first, let's rewind a bit. I do have a personal experience with teflon-coated pan that we used at home. Its a bit expensive but was really durable. However, after using it for years, the teflon-coat of the pan disappeared leaving a shiny steel surface. It's really scary to think we've ingested all of that coating throughout the years that we've been using it. YIKES! What to do, what to do?
Buy a new set of pots and pan but keep in mind to discard it after maybe 3-4 years. Well, its a nice and valid reason to shop for new cookwares but is also impractical.
Allow me to introduce you then to Royal Prestige, they make cookwares using "surgical" stainless steel which is deemed safest and cleanest to use. I was invited to a cooking demo using this specialized cookwares and I find it impressive. Food cooks faster when using Royal Prestige cookware as compared to regular pots and pans because it absorbs heat fast.
I was quite amazed with the food preparation time and witnessed firsthand the cooking process using this wonderful cookware. You won't even see a trace of "burnt" or discolored part of the pot from frequent use. Thumbs up!
It was explained that you can skip the oil when frying because meat has its own oil and that's enough to cook it.
Chicken and pork belly are cooked for less than 20 minutes. Really fast especially if you are serving guests at home.
Another dish that was cooked right in front of my eyes is "waterless" sinigang. Very interesting. ;)
Baked pasta was also served using Royal Prestige cookware. Very impressive- not to mention delicious!
To sum it up, it was a wonderful experience to have an up-close-and-personal feel about this special cookware. And my birthday's coming up soon so I hope hubby reads this post. :D
For cooking demos, you may contact:
Ms. Millicent Joy Isaac
Mobile No.: 0922-883-7284 or
Telephone: 799-4237
Email: millicentjoyisaac@gmail.com