Aussie Navel Oranges are Back!

Taste Australia is once again bringing back a fresh batch of Navel Oranges to the Philippines. Aussie oranges are known for being sweet, juicy and packed with nutrients.

"The Philippines is one of Australia's top ten export markets for Navel oranges, with over 5,000 tonnes exported every year. This is the second year of the Taste Australia campaign running in the Philippines, we are really pleased to share our Navel oranges with Filipino consumers," said Dianne Phan, Head of Trade of Hort Innovation Australia.

Aussie Navel Oranges are known for their health benefits aside from being rich in Vitamin C. Oranges contain natural flu-fighting properties, which may help in fending off nasty colds. Oranges are high in energy dense properties and are also known to assist in weight control, maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and a healthy heart.

"Australian oranges are lovingly and carefully grown and we are proud to share Australia's best produce with Filipinos. We encourage consumers to taste this vibrant fruit at major supermarket chains across Manila," said David Daniels, Market Access Manager at Citrus Australia. "Oranges aren't just for snacking: their versatility means they can be added to your savory and sweet recipes."

Oranges are a versatile fruit, it can be eaten as a snack, made into juice, jams and marmalades, to flavor cocktails, chocolates, cookies and cakes, and a whole lot more.