Chips, Chips and More Chips

My Top 5 faves:

1. Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar
2. Jack and Jill Potato Chips
3. Pringles
4. Lays Salt and Vinegar
5. Clover

Ruffles and Sour Cream Cheddar. I discovered this treat during a dutyfree spree years ago and I still haven't tire of it since then. I like eating it cold so I put it in the refrigerator for about an hour before I eat it. Eating it cold fools the tongue and tastes less salty than it actually is.

Jack & Jill Potato Chips. Comfort chips from my childhood days. I remember sneaking in some packs whenever I accompany my mother to the grocery store. I was the best when it comes to sneaking items in the grocery cart that its always too late for my mother to take it out of the cart when she is about to pay. Also, we used potato chips as a vegetable salad toppings during college- I forgot which class! Hubby also loves to buy this for me as pasalubong.

Pringles. I have fond memories of Pringles when I was in the elementary grade. My father brought home a big box of Pringles from the office and I fell in love with it. So in love that I even collect the cans. I remember hiding some pink Easter Egg candies and totally forgetting all about it. It ended up hidden for about a year before we threw them out. Kinda off topic but that's how I grew to love Pringles :-)

Lays Salt & Vinegar. This is not always available so it doesn't go up my list. But this is really yummy in terms of saltiness and sourness!

Clover. Cheese, cheese and cheese. The only problem I encounter with Clover Chips is that one's fingers tends to be orange-y after eating a small pack. My daughter loves this also--- she gets to eat chips maybe 1-2 every 2 months!