You must be wondering about why its called--- Mestizang Kare-Kare, right?
3-5 pcs lamb chops
1 medium puso ng saging (banana heart), sliced
1 big bunch of peachay
eggplant (optional)
sitaw (optional)
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
4 sachets ground Happy Peanuts
1 tsp of peanut butter- I used Reese Creamy
flour or rice flour
1 tsp of bagoong
ground pepper
Boil the lamb chops with the garlic and onion, salt and pepper. When the meat is almost tender, add the puso ng saging. Add some bagoong, peanuts and peanut butter. Use flour to thicken the sauce. Add the pechay last since it cooks easily. Serve with bagoong.
*** Sorry for the unappetizing-looking photo but I assure you that it is super yummy. I ran out of achiote or annato seeds, that's why the sauce is pale in color. And since I made use of lamb chops and not the usual ox tripe or beef, I named the dish--- Mestizang Kare Kare. :)