RECIPE: Foie Gras Creme Brulee

The Maya Kitchen once again shared some recipes and this time, we're going French. Chef Patrice Freusion of Society Lounge recently demonstrated how to prepare Foie Gras Creme Brulee and I'm sharing it here.

photo by The Maya Kitchen

Foie Gras Crème Brulee
Serves 6

Ingredient                            Salt
20 ml (4 teaspoons)             brown sugar
2 pieces                               egg yolks
100 g (3½ oz.)                     foie gras
25 ml (½ cup) 35%              cooking cream
125 ml (½ cup)                     milk

Preheat oven to 150°C (300°F).
Boil milk and cream, then add foie gras cut into pieces. Let simmer for 3 to 4 minutes.
Place mixture in a blender and blend until creamy. Add egg yolks and blend again until smooth. Pour mixture into 6 small baking ramekins. 
Bake for 45 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool. Set aside until ready to serve.
Just before serving, sprinkle each crème brûlée with brown sugar and caramelize under broiler or using a culinary torch.

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