January Baking Lesson Courses at The Maya Kitchen

The Maya Kitchen has long been known as the institution of baking and cooking here in Manila. The school has produced great talents who are now highly acclaimed chefs and the school still continue to hone and discover new talented bakers and chefs.

This January, The Maya Kitchen offers Basic Baking (January 19 - 22, 2016). Lesson include basic baking techniques for home and commercial scale production of recipes for quick breads, pies, cookies, cakes, and other bread varieties. Fee is P7,000 for the workshop (9am - 2pm).

On January 23 (9am - 2pm), there will be a hands-on workshop about cupcakes. Learn to bake chocolate-filled chocolate oatmeal cupcakes, lemon curd and blueberry cupcakes, quezo de bola chiffon cupcakes and coffee caramel cupcakes. Workshop fee is P1,500.

Basic Culinary is from January 26 - 29, 2016 (9am - 3pm). You will learn here cooking fundamentals and international standard techniques of meal preparation. This include: soup, salad, pasta, main courses to desserts that is applicable for home and institutional scale kitchens. Fee is P8,000 for the workshop.

On January 30 (9am - 2pm), its all about chocolate. Learn the chocolate basics of melting, storing and molding. Recipes include Almond Roca, Choco Lollipops, Bailey's Truffles and Raisin Nut Cluster. Fee is P1,500 for the workshop.

For more details about January Baking and Cooking Workshop, you may log on to TheMayaKitchen or email: contactus@themayakitchen.com The Maya Kitchen Culinary Center is at 8F Liberty Building, 835 A. Arnaiz Avenue (Pasay Road), Makati City or call 8921185.

january baking workshop
january cooking workshop
the kitchen goddess           
baking class manila
cooking class manila